(Please note that the following blog is meant for adults who are mature people, not immature people who think Twilight is the greatest thing since sliced bread.)
I recently saw a movie called Shortcut to Happiness, where the protagonist sells his soul to the Devil in order to make him a successful writer. Notice how I mention "successful" and not good. Gone are the days when an author could write three whole pages about the knights armour, nowadays all we can look forward to are lines like "Do I dazzle you?"
One such person who seems to have sold their soul to the Devil is Stephenie Meyer. I'm not saying she isn't successful, but her writing is probably as good as a blind person trying to compete in Formula 1.
Why the sudden hatred for the "twilight" series. At a website about famous quotes people actually put up a quote by Edward Cullen. Now I have major problems with this. Apparently Edward Cullen is now so famous that he outranks Abraham Lincoln in famous people to take quotes from. (Abe Lincoln's quote was on the second page)
Most people I know are on Team Edward or Team Jake. I am on Team -I'm so glad I can read words more than 8 letters. Everyone knew I was against the twilight franchise when it first became a craze in India. I must say I might be biased not having read the entire book or seen the movies but the mere fact that it changes what Vampires can die by, astounds me. Apparently Vampires dazzle in sunlight, not burn away to embers. Give me Blade anyday.
I think Stephenie Meyer has been stalking Karan Johar as well as Woody Allen. Again the question "Why" comes to most peoples brains. The reason for this is that she has taken a typical Bollywood film script and added Woody Allens life to it to make the end more interesting. Boy meets girl, Boy falls in love with girl, Girl falls in love with Boy, Second Boy falls in love with Girl, both boys team up against evil, second boy doesn't get girl. This is where it gets Woody Allen'ish' Second Boy falls for daughter of first boy and girl. ( Woody Allen married his adopted daughter) And just so that this becomes a little less obvious that she was stalking them, she adds vampires and werewolves. I mean no disrespect for Karan Johar or Woody Allen by relating them to Stephenie Meyer because some of their works are really works of art and should never be dissed like this current blog.
One such person who seems to have sold their soul to the Devil is Stephenie Meyer. I'm not saying she isn't successful, but her writing is probably as good as a blind person trying to compete in Formula 1.
Why the sudden hatred for the "twilight" series. At a website about famous quotes people actually put up a quote by Edward Cullen. Now I have major problems with this. Apparently Edward Cullen is now so famous that he outranks Abraham Lincoln in famous people to take quotes from. (Abe Lincoln's quote was on the second page)
Most people I know are on Team Edward or Team Jake. I am on Team -I'm so glad I can read words more than 8 letters. Everyone knew I was against the twilight franchise when it first became a craze in India. I must say I might be biased not having read the entire book or seen the movies but the mere fact that it changes what Vampires can die by, astounds me. Apparently Vampires dazzle in sunlight, not burn away to embers. Give me Blade anyday.
I think Stephenie Meyer has been stalking Karan Johar as well as Woody Allen. Again the question "Why" comes to most peoples brains. The reason for this is that she has taken a typical Bollywood film script and added Woody Allens life to it to make the end more interesting. Boy meets girl, Boy falls in love with girl, Girl falls in love with Boy, Second Boy falls in love with Girl, both boys team up against evil, second boy doesn't get girl. This is where it gets Woody Allen'ish' Second Boy falls for daughter of first boy and girl. ( Woody Allen married his adopted daughter) And just so that this becomes a little less obvious that she was stalking them, she adds vampires and werewolves. I mean no disrespect for Karan Johar or Woody Allen by relating them to Stephenie Meyer because some of their works are really works of art and should never be dissed like this current blog.
And although I will admit that Stephenie Meyer may have worked hard and earned her dues it does not take away from the fact that it was a horrible piece of literature with tons of grammatical errors. (This is taken on word from a friend who actually read twilight). This book had mass appeal for all those people who actually don't read literature or books at all, and to make it worse for the people who could not even read the books because it was too tedious they came out with Movies to make it more accessible and therefore infinitely more irritating.
Another fact that she changed about Vampires was that apparently they are dead. ( I read this on a site...see I do some research before criticizing)Essentially it means that Edward Cullen does not have a heart beat, no heart Beat means no blood flow, no blood flow means no arousal, no arousal means no chance in hell to procreate, no procreation means no children, no children means that Jacob will have to go and find some other persons daughter to fall in love with. Not only does she change the set down rules relating to vampires as laid down in Dracula, she also decides that she can alter the rules of biology (Vampires were humans before they got bitten). Just because Vampires can turn in to bats and fly doesn't mean that all parts of his body can 'levitate'.
To deal with this great curse upon mankind I suggest that we start up a rehabilitation centre for treatment of T-Cells. T-Cells are brain cells that are dead because of constant exposure to crappy literature. T-Cells is short for (Twilight Cells). Normally they are removed through brain surgery in which Doctors have to wear sunglasses cause when they operate the T- Cells will start 'dazzling' in the light. However this does not mean to say that the person is a genius and dazzled people with his/her intelligence. It is a risky procedure and because of which most people don't opt for the surgery and wear t-shirts printed with Team - Jacob or Team -Edward on them not realizing that no such sports team exists. However due to old and classical methods a cure has been found by making such people expand their horizons and read literature that actually requires you to use your head such as Alexandre Dumas, Shakespeare and Tennyson to name a few. Thus is the need for a Rehabilitation Centre, also known as a library (sans the twilight series). I am willing to set one up and all donations must be sent to the "Give Taha A Porsche Fund" which is not tax deductible. However I shall promise to use these funds only to buy great literature and not buy a Porsche or alcohol for my band (Read:Canaries through Grinders).
Now I am reaching the twilight of my blog and all I want to say is that I hope Stephenie Meyer is satisfied with all the money she earned from the Twilight Franchise, cause I don't think I can live through another torture like that once more.
(All Comments were meant to be jokes and should not be taken seriously)