Friday, November 26, 2010

Memories of My Memories

R.I.P. Memory of Administrative Law. Much loved. Learnt 10/11/2010, Forgotten 15/11/2010 at 5:30 p.m.
R.I.P. Memory of Family Law. Confused Soul. Learnt 15/11/2010, Forgotten 18/11/2010 at 5:30 p.m.
R.I.P. Memory of Transfer of Property Act.Hated by All. Learnt 18/11/2010. Forgotten 22/11/2010 at 5:30 p.m.
R.I.P. Memory of Company Law.Good Company. Learnt 22/11/2010, Forgotten 25/10/2010 at 5:30 p.m.

My brain is a moratorium for all that I try to remember.

Looking at the above statements one can see that apart from forgetting things, I am studying Law. If anyone knew me they would also know that at 5:30 my papers would end, thus ending the memory life of that subject.

Although I still do remember the important parts like the fact that only directors can become the Karta of a Hindu Undivided Family through appointment by the President and can adopt an Ombudsman only with permission from the Liquidator pertaining to the rules regarding maintenance written down in the Constitution.

No, I actually do remember most of my subjects but the fact is that I don't remember them as well  after the paper as I did before.

A Discovery Channel show propounded the 'Theory of Memory' which stated that the more a person sleeps the better his chance of remembering things. Apparently your Brains grey cells store all the memories as Short Term memory and then convert them into Long term Memory when you sleep. So the longer you sleep the better your memory. So therefore it propounds that being an Insomniac will lead to either amnesia or Alzheimers. I'm an Insomniac. I feel devastated that I might someday lose my ..... what was I talking about?

So one day I decided to put this 'Theory of Memory' to the test. I was the Guinea pig as the insomniac and my perpetually sleepy cousin was the Guinea Pig as the person who sleeps a lot. My friend who is an average person with an average memory and average height who sleeps an average amount of hours a day was the Judge.

Why did I mention Average Height? It's because apparently you grow in your sleep and that explains why my cousin is 6 foot 4 and I'm in his shadow at a paltry 5 feet 8.

Anyway back to judging. We each were given a bunch of 10 photos, shown each for 5 seconds. We had to wait until the next day and at 5:30 p.m. send an email to the Judge describing each photo in one line. I remembered 6 out of 10, whereas my cousin remembered 10 out of 10. So this proved Discovery's 'Theory of Memory' right. But in fact it somewhat disproved it.

My cousin stayed at my house for the night and I can tell you that all he did was sleep apart from the 50 seconds he saw the photos. On the other hand I stayed awake for a minimum of 19 hours of the day. Which shows that the reason why sleepy people have a better memory of their days because all they have to do is remember what they did in that short amount of time, whereas an insomniac cant be expected to remember what he was doing at 11:59 p.m. on a Friday night. The probable answer for my cousin would have been 'Sleeping'. Whereas my answer would be writing this blog instead of being out with friends enjoying myself.

Therefore most of the sights and sounds of the day usually come with a gravestone attached. However, certain times they turn into Zombies and come to haunt you much like the incident of the prawns. (Read P.G. Wodehouse - Summer Lightning)

Therefore what I miss most are my memories, but I shall always console myself ifn the fact that I have memories of my memories.

(All Comments are meant to be jokes and should not be taken seriously)


  1. Taha, your experiment can become a dangerous excuse for students to study for 50 seconds and then fall asleep, assuming that all the information is being fermented in their brains in order to create knowledge, ready for use, the next day, before 5.30pm.
    Having said that, I think it's a brilliant theory. So I shall take a nap now, and let you know what I remember of the post in a few hours. ;)

  2. I loved it :) esp. the "only directors can become the Karta of a Hindu Undivided Family through appointment by the President and can adopt an Ombudsman only with permission from the Liquidator pertaining to the rules regarding maintenance written down in the Constitution." lol/ How do u come up with this stuff!
    - Purvi

  3. Taha i completely understand the point ur making! unfortunately law and medicine are: 1. two of the most volatile subjects 2. the two professions in which u hav to remember all u hav learnt even after u pass out. 3. two exams bfore which u get no sleep hence preventing conversion from RAM to ROM in comp lang which ironically is at a better position to restore lost memory than humans! so if i ever get sued for my unreliable memory, ill call upon ur services to fight my case with the 'Theory of memory'! oh and dont forget to get the evidence, so sleep on it! ;)

  4. you know eating almonds helps....apparently, that could have been your other variable ;-)
