Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blog Disclaimer

Image was found on a forum and edited.
Therefore no person is accredited
This is my attempt at a Blog Disclaimer. However, if effective, it shall be used in whole as a disclaimer barring the parts that maybe illegal by law; if it is not effective, then the person reading this should take it as a sorry attempt to write something legal and maybe laugh a little.

This Blog named Thoughtless Thoughts (hereinafter referred to as the "blog/website/site" unless meant otherwise) maintained and run by Tahaha (hereinafter referred to as the "writer/author" unless meant otherwise) shall seek to provide humorous takes on everyday instances of life. This blog neither promotes nor vilifies any person, company or thing until copious amounts of intoxicants are within the writers body, due to which the writer can not be held accountable; as such said article was written in a drunken stupor. This rule maybe broken if given a hefty remuneration which would include monetary benefits as well as consumable articles.

This Blog in no way promotes itself as a self help blog and although the writer may purport to be skilled in a particular subject it may more than likely be in his SIMS life rather than real life. This blog does not promote any style of living neither condemns any. The writer loves vegetarians because they give him more meat to eat.

Any comments made against any culture, subculture, race, sex, creed, caste, kind or Alien Race shall be taken as jokes and not meant to incite any rivalry amongst them as to whose food is better.

By Accessing this blog, the reader accepts all of the clauses in this disclaimer even if such clause may ask the reader to hold his breath for 2 minutes.

All Readers shall hold their breath for 1 minute 59 seconds so as block oxygen flow to the readers brain thus rendering the said reader infantile enough to appreciate the writers sense of humour.

All Readers shall also access this blog every fortnight so as to increase the number of hits for this site and make the writer feel better about himself. An easy way of doing this is to add this site to the said readers bookmarks and access it every time the said reader opens any site that includes the words 'face' or 'book'.

This blog does not necessarily represent the writers views on any subject. It also does not represent the views of any members of his family, including children who are yet not known to the author as well as girlfriend but restricted to his mother-in law (whe he gets one) . In most cases the writer shall vehemently deny to having any view that corresponds to his writings in the abovementioned blog. The hosting website ( will not be held liable for any material, images or videos; written, sourced or posted on this site until the said author is sued for any amount more than Rs. 45 (USD 1) {Price liable to change due to fluctuating foreign exchange rates}.

None of the images nor videos used in the blog are of the writers; unless written implicitly that such said image or video is under his basket of rights according to "The Indian Copyright Act, 1957". All such images are sourced from the net (Google Images) and any objections to such said images must be written in comments to the particular post and such said image shall be removed or replaced at first notice by the writer when he feels inclined to read comments.  The writer shall also give credit to the copyright holder of the image and shall provide links to their respective sites at the end of each blog as well as on his links page at every attempt as long as the writer is sober enough to remember. The above image used in the disclaimer is not of the writer however he has edited it and if no person or highly trained animal steps up to claim it, he shall claim it as his own in a 100 years.

All trademarks, service marks, collective marks, tattoos, design rights, personality rights, copyrights, registered names, mottos, taglines, logos, avatars, insignia, marks and scars used or cited by this website are the property of their respective owners and the website in no way accepts any responsibility for an infringment on one of the above.

This blog does not seek to promote or dispense any advice; even though the said blog may claim otherwise. All acts done by the writer have been imagined in his head and should not be tried at home, workplace, park, elevator, toilet, school or mistress' place. The writer shall not be held accountable to any act committed by any person after reading this blog unless such act benefits the writers life and is legal. Examples of such acts maybe giving the writer a good bottle of scotch.

The information given on this blog by the writer, to the best of his knowledge is false and has not been verified by anysource unless mentioned earlier in newspapers like News of the world, The Financial Times and any newspaper that the writer finds covering his street food.

This website has no control to any information accessed by the reader from any site that has been linked in the website. The website vows to protect the privacy of any user, but may call upon users for favours in case any user has significant means or is; as people put it; "hot". The "hot" user shall pour out scotch into the writers glass and feed him where as the one with means shall pay for any luxurious frivolities the author may feel necessary.

The website is not meant for people who:
1) Hated the earlier Star Wars Movies
2) Not seen and don't intend to watch the earlier Star Wars Movies
3) Have not watched Godfather 1
5) Do not plan to watch Godfather 1 (Obviously no one can hate the movie)
6) Believe that Bon Jovi is the greatest band alive ( they are good but not the greatest)
7) Pregnant Women without permission from their gynaecologist
8) Lawyers who have an inclination to create legal stress for the writer.
9) Have realised that I completely skipped point number 4.

In case, anyone does decide to sue the writer, they should contact Zaibaa Thingna who happens to be the writers cousin and has never lost a verbal or physical confrontation with the writer.

Reading this blog may lead to mental instability as well as an upset stomach. Readers are recommended to use the advice of Aalia Thingna in 6 years when she becomes a doctor. Until then, no reader should self medicate themselves.

This blog has not been designed by any professional and is a basic template given to the writer by blogspot. however if any reader does decide to create a website to counteract or in the rare case thank or appreciate this blog the said reader should contact Abdulqadir Varawala to help the said reader create the blog or website. For design, the reader must contact Neti Shah. For proof reading contact Quresh Varawala.

This blog addresses a wider variety of subjects and the writer IS not an expert in any subject and the reader must contact professional when queries arise over subjects mentioned in the blog. If you cannot sift through your facebook friends, phonebook on mobile phone, old telephone book, fathers or mother personal contacts you need to get out of your house more often.

The reader encourages the distribution of the said blog and promises not to sue anyone for the reproduction of the work as long as there is no commercial gain (people targeted by this clause are the newspaper, magazines and any other media that is viewed by more than 5000 people, this also includes famous blogs) The writer is in constant need of money at all points of time and thus will be willing to solicit his absurd views to the above mentioned people who were banned from reproducing this material.

This website publishes content irregularly and such content is maintained in reference to the protections afforded to it under local, provincial, state, martial, federal, international and mafia law. However if the content on this website does break any laws with the country which the current reader is reading the said blog, the blog does not condone, encourage, facilitate, recommend or protect the violation of any laws and cannot be held responsible for any violation of such laws.

This disclaimer can be reviewed and modified whenever the writer chooses and shall not have retrospective effect.

(All Comments are meant to be jokes and should not be taken seriously. Image was found in a forum, there fore no person is accredited.Parts of this disclaimer have been taken from Herche's Blog Disclaimer, however I cannot post a link as his blog is by invitation only.)

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