Sunday, January 22, 2012

Idiosyncratic Idiots

I recently discovered that I have many idiosyncrasies that make me who I am. These idiosyncrasies include two left feet while dancing, the ability to keep a straight face when telling a joke but laughing out loud inside (always) a monotonous voice and the ability to see other idiosyncrasies in people  and copy them while not realizing that I'm scratching my head and and tap dancing at the same time.

I've tried to notice such movements in people around me but apparently I'm oblivious to the real world. So therefore I shall try and talk about more prevalent movements in people that I notice.

I have always wondered why cricket is such a big attraction in India, sometimes its just men chasing a ball, which sounds eerily familiar to football ( the real version and not the american version which should be called handegg).

 India's national sport is hockey, not cricket yet cricket is considered to be a religion and you have many gods like Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid and Zaheer Khan and also have the Demons like the entire Australian team. (Right now Evil is winning). So what intrigues me about this is that when I am walking down the road practicing my golf strokes with my imaginary club, I see people performing the bowling action in cricket to no one. Sometimes I wonder how in the sea of people that is Mumbai that they imagine a pitch on a footpath. And sometimes their weird idiosyncrasy illicits response, people actually make batting and fielding motions which leads to major commotions as can be seen by the video.

Another idiosyncrasy that I find funny is the snapping of fingers in front of the mouth while yawning. I have three theories as to why people do this. First is that they feel the entire world is amazingly boring and have not developed the vision to see things in life differently. I call this innate ability of mine "funny vision". For example, I was recently thinking that they should put a goldfishes brain in squirrels.(As everyone knows goldfishes have short term memories.) The reason why they should do this is to help solve global warming. This might not make sense to a person who lacks "funny vision" but to anyone who has this sense, this would seem like an eureka moment. ( Squirrels bury their acorns, nuts and food for winter, if they do not remember where they buried their food, it will lead to millions of trees growing every year) ( this also might results in a tree coming out of your bed room.) I propose that we save a significant proportion of the squirrel population to reproduce the next tree planters.

The second theory is that the people who snap their fingers in front of their mouths is that they are used to the spotlight and use this to grab attention of the room when they do not have any attention on themselves.. How do you think Mussolini got the entire Italian population to back him, some say it was as easy as a snap of his fingers.

My third theory is that the doctors are to blame for this idiotic idiosyncrasy. People snapping their fingers in front of their mouth do this so that on looking at the said yawning person will start yawning themselves and then start a worldwide epidemic of yawning (Yawning is contagious). This might lead to a whole number of cases of peoples jaws getting locked and having to visit the doctor.Thus the doctors started this whole idiosyncrasy of snapping their fingers in front of their mouths.

So in the end, if you do notice any idiosyncratic that is prevalent amongst society let me know and I shall tell you how I overlooked it. Also I have a feeling the Australian Doctors started it; after all they are supposed to be Demons.

(All Comments are meant to be Jokes and should not be taken seriously.)

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